Home > About DTaQ >Introduction


Purpose of Establishment

  • The Defense Agency of Technology and Quality (DTaQ) was initially launched as the Defense Quality Inspection Agency on July 1, 1981. On February 2, 2006, according to the article 32 of the Defense Acquisition Program Act, it was expanded and overhauled to be the DTaQ of today, a specialized R&D institute funded by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, with the added functions of national defense technology planning and technical information management, while succeeding the conventional functions of the Defense Quality Inspection Agency.

    The DTaQ implements the quality assurance and quality management and systematically conducts the inspection, analysis, assessment, and information management of defense technology, to acquire quality munitions.

    The DTaQ will advance the national defense system to be suitable for the future national security environment by the defense quality management and defense technology planning and it will also play a pivotal role in establishing the cutting-edge information armed forces, which is pursued by the army.

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