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President's Message

Thank you for visiting the DTaQ website.

We will focus on the following three points to achieve innovation centered on the users (military) and producers (defense industry), and to become the world's best DTaQ, in which our researchers are proud.

First, we will apply cutting-edge science and technology to quality control and weapon systems. We will provide safe and reliable military supplies to all military personnel by establishing a strict quality control system. In addition, we weill build a more efficient and empirical quality management system by utilizing cutting-edge science and technologies such as generative artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things(IoT).

Second, we will innovate the value of DTaQ by enhancing expertise. We will actively utilize the excellent science and technology and production capabilities of the private sector to improve the administrative value and capabilities of DTaQ, and serve as a hub for the military, defense industry and research institutes.

Third, we will improve our constitution through upgrading the vision and goals. We will support the military to become a military that can win battles by upgrading the existing forces and play a leading role in helping Korea become one of the world's top four defense industry powers.

We ask for your interest and support for the world-leading DTaQ, which contributes to strengthening Korea's defense capabilities and developing the defense industry.

Thank you.



                                                            DTaQ's President  Shin Sang Bum